
View the Project on GitHub julioveracruz/testwebsite

Welcome to our team project website!

This is a website to showcase our final project for FIN 377 - Data Science for Finance course at Lehigh University.

To see the complete analysis file(s) click here


The main goal of this project is to explore (insert project idea here).

Section 1 heading

Section 2 heading


Here is some code that we used to develop our analysis

import seaborn as sns 
iris = sns.load_dataset('iris') 

print(iris.head(),  '\n---')
print(iris.tail(),  '\n---')
print(iris.columns, '\n---')
print("The shape is: ",iris.shape, '\n---')
print("Info:",iris.info(), '\n---') # memory usage, name, dtype, and # of non-null obs (--> # of missing obs) per variable
print(iris.describe(), '\n---') # summary stats, and you can customize the list!
print(iris['species'].value_counts()[:10], '\n---')
print(iris['species'].nunique(), '\n---')


Here are some graphs that we created in our analysis

Some analysis here

More analysis here.

More analysis.

About the team

Julio is a senior at Lehigh studying finance.

Don is an assistant professor at Lehigh.


To view the GitHub repo for this website, click here